
Yogyakarta or Jogjakarta is a city in central Java also capital of Yogyakarta Special Region.
According to Wikipedia Yogya means “suitable, fit, and proper”.
It also well known for culture and art e.g. silver work from Kotagede.

I don’t remember when was the last time I visited Yogya probably more than 30 years ago.
I was enthusiastic when group of friends suggested going there together for a short trip, since I like Salak (a skin snake fruit) and the famous salak comes from Yogya.
Honestly I am not fans of Yogya’s food, normally I will be exciting to visit countries or any city when I like the food, just in case the scenery is not very compelling at least I can entertain myself with their foods or fruits.
My personal opinion Yogya’s foods in general are far too sweet for my taste. But of course I have to keep open minded and positive before I try.

We rented a villa house at Hyarta residence at Jalan Palagan Tentara Pelajar. a bit outside the town but it's green and quiet. Every morning they provide a great breakfast that you can choose from western style breakfast (sandwich) or Nasi Goreng, bihun/bamie goreng, Fruits and juices also provided.
When we arrived, welcome snacks, fruits and juices and water were ready at the table.
The look inside & outside - Hyarta Residence

The residence's entertainment and sports facilities, breakfast also inclusive.
We managed to visit Merapi volcano area, which was ruined by the blast around 5 years ago. Luckily most part of the area currently already back, green and fresh again.
We went to the mountain by hiring vintage Willy's Jeep, a bit scary since I have never gone of road with that type of vehicle.
It’s a kind of very old and simple car, according to the driver who is also our tour guide the machine is new only the body is vintage.

This is the "Vintage" car that brought us around Merapi mountain.
We also had fun visited Pindul cave, not really my thing either even though it’s quite fun.
You sit on top of huge tires and hold each other hand in a group and the guide and photographer will accompany you along the way.
For sure you will be soaking wet from the waist down.

Here I share the picture of food that I tried and find really good and fit to my personal taste. We went to Bale Raos which serves Keraton type of foods, Omah Dhuwur and the famous Gudeg Yogya at "Gudeg Yu Djum"
Gudeg - "Yu Djum"
Tumis Kangkung Teri - "Bale Raos"
Nasi Kuning - "Bale Raos"
Fried Seafood - "Omah Dhuwur"
Tahu Goreng (Fried Tofoe/soya bean cake) - "Omah Dhuwur"
Seafood Soup - "Omah Dhuwur"
Ayam Panggang kecap (Barbeque chicken with soya sauce) - "Omah Dhuwur"
Carang Gesing (a kind of snack from Banana & coconut milk) - "Omah Dhuwur" 

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