
Living in a 4 seasons country making me appreciate the beauty of sunshine more than before,  while I was living in the tropical country.
I have checked weather forecast everyday, when it said will be dry and sunny in the weekend, I can't wait to make a plan to visit or explore new places nearby.

This time the aim is visiting Zwolle, this town is not nearby my house especially if the standard is 15 minutes drive :) . As a consequences of the distance, driving is to tiring, taking train as an alternative but the ticket price a bit expensive.
Luckily I have friend who has discount train ticket and I myself also have one-time discount ticket from local train company. At the end each of us only need to pay 30% of the normal train ticket price. 

I know very little about this town. After checking wikipedia, I got an idea what to explore there.
Of course Museum of modern art - "de Fundatie". Museum with unique building. 
Museum "de Fundatie"

Inside the Museum
I like the town itself, clean street, green area, quiet not crowded as typical metropolitan or big city,  fresh air. All of those combination gave me an attractive atmosphere and happy feeling.

Painting decoration at one of the building in the city

Lots of cute cafes and small restaurant, one of them located in a church building. Modern Sushi restaurant inside former church.
Sushi restaurant at the church
Of course I visited a bookstore, which is located in a beautiful building use to be a Church part of the Dominican monastery.
(The Broerenkerk church was part of the Dominican monastery founded in 1465. The monastery was closed in 1580 and the monks were expelled. From 1640 until 1982 the church was used for Protestant services. After a restoration in 1983-1988 it has been used for cultural events and it is now a bookstore - Source: Wikipedia Zwolle)
"Waanders in de Broeren" - Bookstore
We were to exciting walked around the city admiring beautiful building, painting at the museum, finally it comes to the time to eat, to late for lunch but to early for dinner.
We decided to have something to eat at the restaurant, our choice is a restaurant which is located at the old post-office building.

rse "Sassenpoort" gate can't be missed when you visited Zwolle. This gate is one of the Rijksmonument (National Heritage site of The Netherlands) and part of TOP 100 Dutch Heritage sites. The gate house was build in 1409, restoration has been done between 1893 - 1898.
Of cou


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